Model: XR30CX-5N1C1
Digital Controller DIXELL XR30CX-5N1C1
Model XR30CX, format 32 x 74 mm, is a digital thermostat with off cycle defrost designed forrefrigeration applications at normal temperature. It provides two relay outputs, one for thecompressor, the other one can be used as light, for alarm signalling or as auxiliary output.. Itis also provided with 2 NTC or PTC probe inputs, the first one for temperature control, thesecond one, optional, to connect to the HOT KEY terminals to signal the condensertemperature alarm or to display a temperature. The digital input can operate as thirdtemperature probe. It’s provided with a Real Time Clock which allows programming of up to 6daily defrost cycles, divided into holidays and workdays. A “Day and Night” function with twodifferent set points is fitted for energy savingThe HOT KEY output allows to connect the unit, by means of the external module XJ485-CX,to a network line ModBUS-RTU compatible such as the dIXEL monitoring units of X-WEBfamily. It allows to program the controller by means the HOT KEY programming keyboard.The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easilyprogrammed through the keyboard.Medium TemperatureProbe Inputs: 2 NTC / PTC Probes (1 Thermostat, 1 Condenser)Digital Input: 1 Configurable (for Alarm, Start Defrost, Aux, Door Switch, or Pressure Switch)Relay Outputs: 1 Compressor (8A, 20A optional), 1 Light or Alarm (8A)Power Supply: 240 VAC
Digital controllers purchased from us should always be diagnosed and installed by a suitably qualified person, if incorrectly installed they will suffer irrepairable damage, for this reason WE CANNOT OFFER ANY WARRANTY on this type of part.
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SKU: R009095
$270.00 Regular Price
$269.97Sale Price
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